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Breakfast and After School Club

Breakfast and After School Club.


The school runs a Breakfast Club from 7.45-8.40. This costs £3.50 per session and the children are given toast or cereal for breakfast and play games.


We also run an After School Club which runs from 3pm – 6pm Monday – Friday at £10 per session.  The children are given a snack whilst at After School Club.


If your child is absent from school and therefore unable to attend you will be given a credit for the next session, if you have paid in advance.  Please ensure that the school office is informed of your childs absence.  If you have booked a session and do not inform us 48 hours before that your child is unable to/or no longer attending you will be charged the cost of that session.


All booking forms are available under Parents and Forms or from the office. 


Both clubs need to be booked and paid for at least one week in advance.


This can be done on the school’s online payment system, Arbor.  You will be given instructions on how to access this once your child starts school. 


We do accept ‘child care vouchers’.  Please speak to Mrs Kipps in the school office who will be able to help you further.  If you do wish to use child care vouchers, please send a booking form into the office so we can book the days you require.

Terms & Conditions

To all Users of Breakfast & Afterschool Clubs


We would like to draw your attention to the following:


Terms & Conditions


Payment for all sessions booked must be paid in advance and not arrears.


    1. You can pay daily, weekly, monthly or half termly on Arbor. 

Failure to make a payment will result in your child being excluded from future sessions until payment is received.


    1. We do accept Childcare Vouchers and payment via Tax Free Credits. Please speak to Mrs Kipps in the office directly regarding this.


Due to a rise in pupil numbers, we are now at full capacity in the Afterschool Club on most days.


    1. Please ensure that you book your child's place via the booking form and Arbor in advance, in order that we can organise any extra staffing and catering supplies.


    1. Please be aware that we cannot now take any last minute bookings on the day.



After School Club

  1. After School Club closes at 6.00pm.  We ask that all children are collected by 6.00pm.


    1. Any parents collecting after this time will be charged an additional fee of £5 per 15 minutes to cover our additional staffing costs.


    1. Places will be withdrawn if children are regularly collected late


    1. You will be provided with a mobile number solely for the purpose of calling the staff to alert them if you are running late.   Please do not use this number for any other reason.


  1. If your child is absent from School and therefore unable to attend a booked session, you will be given a credit for the next session if you have paid in advance.  Please ensure that the office is informed of your child’s absence before 10am on the day.


  1. If you have booked a session and do not inform us up to 48 hours before, that your child will not be attending, you will be charged the cost of that session.



Breakfast Club

  1. The drop off time drop for Breakfast Club is between 7.45am - 8am.


  1. Breakfast is served between 7.55am and 8.15am. This is to ensure the staff and children have enough time to prepare and eat their breakfast.


  1. If your child arrives after this time we cannot guarantee they will receive breakfast.


  1. Parents who are late dropping their child/children off will still be charged the full amount


  1. If you wish to cancel a booked session we require 48 hours’ notice.   Failure to give us notice, or if you child does not attend on the day, will result in you being charged.


  1. An exception to this is If your child is absent from School and therefore unable to attend a booked session, you will be given a credit for the next session if you have paid in advance.


