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Our Vision




At Hillhouse Church of England Primary School we aim to provide an environment where everyone is safe, secure, challenged and supported to achieve their true potential within a Christian community. We recognise as part of Gods family we are all unique and beautiful and together we can achieve anything. 

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

I have it all planned out, plans to take care of you, not to abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. ( Jeremiah 29:11)



“At Hillhouse Church of England Primary School we aim to provide an environment where everyone is safe, secure, challenged and supported to achieve their true potential within a Christian community”


Our aims for our children

  • Our children are happy in school.  They all reach their full potential in a school, which they enjoy and benefit from a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Our children are confident, with self respect, self discipline and self esteem.
  • Each child is a valued and self motivated member of the school community.
  • Our children respect others and are honest, fair, responsible and polite.
  • They develop an understanding and awareness of the world in which we live.


We follow five Gospel Values which underpin everything that we do. These are:

 Responsibility, Hope, Compassion, Forgiveness and Courage.


Above all, at Hillhouse Primary School, we AIM to make the children’s experiences at school happy and secure within a caring Christian environment.

