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Music intent


· To create a musical atmosphere within Hillhouse to ensure that all children get an opportunity to learn and play musical instruments within school and those that would like to are able to have specific instrument lessons with a trained teacher.

· Creative and engaging lessons are delivered through the GetSet4Music scheme weekly.

· To design a curriculum where children cover different elements of music, learn key musical vocabulary and develop a good understanding of how music has changed throughout history.

· To continue to review the coverage of musical skills to ensure that staff and children experience good musical experiences and improve their knowledge and understanding.

· To work on training for staff who teach music to ensure that their subject knowledge is strong in order to inspire future musicians within school as well as let children experience musicians through lessons and assemblies to understand jobs they could have in their own futures.

· To have after school choir to enhance children’s experiences of music and give them opportunities to perform both in and out of school, including within our local community.

· To ensure that children continue to experience collective singing with a variety of songs during school assemblies, including songs linked to major Christian festivals throughout the year.
